A pedagogically consistent approach to preparing, delivering and assessing our modules
Learning & Teaching Approach​
The aim of the Learning and Teaching Strategy for Higher Education is to define the
London Postgraduate Credit Management College’s (LPCMC) strategic approach to innovation and enhancement, focusing on development of the quality of students’ learning experiences and outcomes. The Learning and Teaching Strategy
encourages all students to be independent, creative learners who achieve their full
LPCMC aims to provide high-quality student learning experience. To achieve this,
we combine academic rigour, personal and professional development, and employment skills throughout our learning and teaching methods. LPCMC ensures a pedagogically consistent approach in the way it delivers its modules, in the way it
assesses modules, and in the way it prepares learning materials for modules.
Learning approach
As part of our programmes, candidates are given access to LPCMC’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Candidates also have access to practice questions and mock exams. Questions are based on the current curriculum for the exam level you registered for and are in the same format as the questions on the actual exam.
We try to minimize inconveniences for our candidates, hence we have designed the course to be 100% online. Our courses are also designed to be completed on the candidates own schedule. It takes approximately 300 hours of study per exam.
A range of assessment methods are used which are designed to provide the knowledge and understanding required of the aims of the programme and to develop the array of intellectual, professional and transferable skills demanded of the programme. As such, a balance of written, and problem-based assessments have been created to ensure academic rigour in relation to knowledge and intellectual ability as well as the development of professional and transferable skills. These include
Online Multiple Choice Questions,
Simulated Case studies,
Financial Models Designs
Candidates are provided with information relating to assessments, through regulations, course handbooks and assignment briefs, in a clear, accurate and timely manner. Assignment briefs are designed to incorporate information on grading criteria and expectations associated with specific assignments.