A Novel 100% Executive
Research-Based Programme
For Ph.D
In Credit Management​
At London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC), United Kingdom, we recognize the need for today's managers, directors, entrepreneurs, and other busy executives to add more academic qualifications to their existing laurels. However, these executives are somewhat constrained by lack of time and focus to go for the traditional learning programme.
Consequently, LPCMC have instituted a simplified Executive Research Programme for PhD in Credit Management targeting at top-level directors, entrepreneurs, managers and other executives to realize their dreams of earning doctoral status.
This is a perfect self-directed doctoral executive research programme, focusing on what you already know in credit management and other allied managerial, entrepreneurial and supervisory work experiences. PhD is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve. In this programme, the academic rigor is still there, but flexible and achievable.
What's involved: A Ph.D normally culminates in a thesis of 100,000 and above words. In this programme, there is a set of twenty executive research questions in credit management begging for answers from a top level corporate director or general manager which are strong enough to generate thousands of words required for a doctoral thesis. The questions are designed to make the research truly original, and aimed to create new theories in credit management and general business management. The executive research twenty questions PhD programme in Credit Management facilitates the creation, interpretation and discovery of new knowledge by the research student, demonstrated through the thesis for further use, which carries a bigger weight, as it seems impossible – yet many find it a novelty.
Admission Requirements:
An applicant for this programme must he a holder of Master’s degree such as MA, M.SC, or MBA alongside other top level professional qualifications.

How it Works:
The Executive Research Proposal Thesis will carry the topic: CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN A CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY. Research students are required to discuss their ideas with our expert academic delegate who has been working in the field of credit management for more than three decades. The executive research investigation is carried into credit management field within the twenty research executive question prescriptions, which is far straight forward, eliminates by 30% the un-necessary-time wasting activities associated with the traditional doctorial research engagement.
The Executive Research feature:
Each research-question is well fashioned to reflect the real-life situation that a typical doctoral research is after. We expect student to provide answers to the 20 executive research questions contained in the questionnaire that will be sent to the student once registration for the programme has been concluded. The answer to each question will be a minimum of 5000 words. The quality or standard of the response that student provide for each question will be judged by the doctoral panel and the outcome indicates that Ph.D thesis has been concluded and adjudged adequate.
Upon submission of Answers one to twenty Executive Research Questions each of which MUST be a minimum of five thousand words count per question, the doctoral student will have his or her work formally conscripted into academic thesis and sent back to the student to do the necessary binding. The student will be required to submit three (3) hard copies and three (3) CDs of the final work to our affiliate office in his/her country.
As this programme is profoundly novel, essentially to reach out to busy corporate managers, directors, entrepreneurial leaders, credit professionals, and their executives who due to very busy schedules are unable to engage in the traditional doctoral executive learning programme, we affirm that this programme is the way to go.
About the Awarding University:
The London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC) UK, is not a degree awarding institution nor its affiliate in your country. But substantially, as a specialist postgraduate institution, LPCMC majorly contributed to the conceptualization and institutionalization of this programme, and the delivery of partnership engagement with some medium or small size independent private accredited universities around the world who like other universities are open to new invention with flexible operation for the mounting of executive academic partnership programmes in credit management.

Programme Duration:
A candidate will be required to respond to all the twenty executive research questions within twenty four (24) Months research duration. Thereafter, within another 12 months LPCMC’s partner university will complete the process and grant the award. In addition to the 24 months executive research covering twenty questions, student must participate in the live online Zoom lecture every two Saturdays of the month facilitated by our affiliate partner in your country. The class starting time is 9.am and closes 2:30pm. The lecture will last for twenty four months at the end of which Self-Assessment Examination will be conducted. Student will receive the programme exit award of: Certified Credit and Financial Examiner (CCFE) from LPCMC.
For the purpose of clarity, London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC), UK working in partnership with its partner University will subject the student’s thesis to a critical academic content assessment, transcript extraction and grade measurement with a view to properly domiciling student’s academic records with the awarding university. The university will warehouse the student’s academic records and award the executive student with doctor of Philosophy in Credit Management with accompanied transcript.
About LPCMC Global Professional Qualification – CCFE:
As part of LPCMC program, any student who successfully complete the executive research PHD program of our partner university whose current functional portfolio includes the mainstream credit management operations, general management and entrepreneurship is qualify to earn LPCMC’s globally revered specialist qualification –Certified Credit and Financial Examiner (CCFE) - the highest specialist qualification in credit management subject to fulfilling the published program fees on the LPCMC website for CCFE.
CCFE is a plum professional qualification of LPCMC which provides confidence to employers of labour, industry regulators, credit market players, and professional colleagues that its holder has capacity, competence, academic colloquium, and specialist caciquism in the field covered by the qualification – credit management
About LPCMC Global Accreditation in the United Kingdom
London Postgraduate Credit Management College, UK, is accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) which is an independent body providing accreditation services for independent, further and higher education colleges. ASIC accreditation helps student and parents make a more informed choice and will also help a school, college, university, training provider or distance education provider, demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high quality institution.
In line with section 14 (1),(2),(3),(4) of NICA Chartered Act No 1018 of 2022, National Institute of Credit Administration (NICA) specialized, programmatic and Institutional accreditations are designed to ensure the public that a credit management academic or professional learning programmes has undergone a rigorous evaluation/review process, and found to meet high standard and industry- relevant for educational/training quality; that the credit management training provider or trainer, certification organization, and educational Institution engaged in the offering of learning, training or studying programmes in every aspect of credit management is reputable in the eyes of potential learners, parents, employers of labour, and credit industry in accordance with the national legislation and international agreements
LPCMC Head Office in the United Kingdom:
If you wish to contact us directly, please find our details below:
London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC) UK,
All our programmes are delivered 100% online for the time being
We are still working from Home
The impact of COVID-19 has changed our world so significantly over the past few months, and for the safety of our workforce in line with the UK Government’s directives on social distancing and a complete adherence to other COVID-19 protocols, we have chosen to still be working from home.
Our affiliate office in Africa:
Professor Chris Onalo, FICA
President/Chief Executive Officer,
Postgraduate School of Credit & Financial Management (PSCFM),
Old No 1, Mabognje Road, Oniru Estate, Victoria Island, Lagos.