Our benchmarks are modelled after the UK Quality Code for Higher Education
This Benchmark Statement describes the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates from the London Postgraduate Credit Management College (LPCMC). These Benchmarks are modelled after the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
An appreciation of the nature of the contexts in which finance can be seen as operating, including knowledge of the institutional framework necessary for understanding the role, operation and function of markets and institutions.
Knowledge of the major theoretical tools and theories of finance, and the irrelevance and application to theoretical and practical problems.
An understanding of the relationship between financial theory and empirical testing, and application of this knowledge to the appraisal of the empirical evidence in at least one major theoretical area. The appraisal should involve some recognition of the limitations and evolution of empirical tests and theory.
An ability to interpret financial and credit data including that arising in the context of the firm or household from accounting statements and data generated in financial and credit markets. The interpretation should involve analysis using statistical and financial functions and procedures such as are routinely available in spreadsheets and other statistical/econometric software packages. It may involve the skills necessary to manipulate financial and credit data and carry out statistical and econometric tests (for example estimation and interpretation of credit scoring models; financial modelling and projections; event studies and residuals analysis; elements of time series analysis, such as serial correlation, mean reversion, and stochastic volatility).
An understanding of financial and non-financial services activity in the economy, and the factors that are changing these activities over time, and an appreciation of how finance and credit theories and evidence can be employed to aid such understanding (for example, ideas of information asymmetry, moral hazard and risk sharing could be employed to analyse the fundamental nature of services, such as insurance, pensions, bank lending and consumer credit, and also explore fundamental problems arising in such financial service provision; the efficient market hypothesis could be used to explore the value added by investment and financial services).
An ability to understand financial statements, and a reasonable appreciation of the limitations of financial reporting and disclosure practices and procedures (for example financial statement analysis; the relation between cash flow accounting and accrual accounting; discretionary accounting practices; and financial statement-derived measures of financial performance, including risk).